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jesus' blood found 24 chromosomes

jesus' blood found 24 chromosomes


jesus' blood found 24 chromosomes

And also for the children of God thank you for listening and Jesus bless you to find the hole thruth, please read these and we pray your eyes will be opened also There were a profecy made in the past of the word of God and also that the profecy in the past are comeing true. Thats because youre not looking, Kahuma. Skeptics have scoffed at this idea since its inception, but scientific research appears to have silenced them. Dear Raffi, He was not conceived without sperm. Is it true that Jesus is a son of David? The atheist lab technicians. The evidence is everywhere! there is no controversy Jesus is the Son of God. All Prohecies (Zechariah 9:9 )pertaining to christ are fulfilled and victorious.Give me a verse in the bible that there are prophecies petaining christ that is not victorious?Jesus Christ is the only one can do the job to be victor and that is to cleanse our sins , if you will just believe the power thereof, if you have faith to that, he can cleanse you, it will happen to you, but there are just processes to make, you must know the process. The Free Christian Teaching TV - Unique blood of Jesus Christ, with only 24 chromosomes | Free Christian Teaching TV Free Christian Teaching TV I didn't mean to offend anyone, or imply we are Merovingians . Some one told that to me I have been looking it up in the Bible I cant find it anywhere. FATHER + SON (JESUS) + HOLYSPIRIT = GOD Something not perfect? !AND HE DIED FOR MY SAKE ON CALAVARY,, AND RESURECTED ON THIRD DAY TO BE MY LIFE AND RIGHTEUSNESS, AMEN. Furthermore I question the term second Adam when referring to Jesus. I know you are searching.. Jesus was seen by many after his resurrectionLazarus rose from the deadPeter raised a man. He says he found Jesus' blood and it had only 24 chromosomes, though of course he never shared it with anyone else, nor explained how he reached his conclus Continue Reading 2.7K 65 More answers below Igbinovia Ezekiel Medical Biochemist and Genetics 5 y He stated that he was to be the God of those he created. 18:2-4) In other words, you have to have childlike faith. Mere Nano-Specks that you, me, your Jesus, Buddha, Zoroaster, Abraham, Moses or Mohammad were, should have been fantasized to gods regardless of their great human stature and services. Just in the same way the God created 46XY in each grain of mud when he created Adam. Life is a choice., The selection process in the formulation of all is the way of life we might be able to live what we expect., Corresponding causal process [is] that the purpose of all as expected., Everything has been perfected in Gods creation., And to consider all ciptaanya.agar positive human worship and avoid the things that make human beings in a negative causal formula. In this Blog, we will discuss the DNA of Jesus. to us a son is given, someone has to stand against this lie that is taking over the world., Mark, Matthew 11:25 Some of the early karyological terms . By this action, Jesus Christ was telling His disciple that It was I who blew onto the clay figure to make it a living person: Adam! (Remember John 1:1-3, 14 and that He is Alpha and Omega?) There 6 For to us a child is born, I mean, she never gave consent, right? Mary kept it secret. Discovered - Noah's Ark $ 24.95 $ 17.95; 10 Presentation of Discoveries DVD $ 179.50 $ 120.00; Like us on Facebook Best Sellers. Whats even worse is that he built temples for the false gods of his wives (1 kings 11:1-13), Now God did not let Solomon be punished by the floggings of men because he was Davids direct descendant. now we are in G-Ds final day..this day is not yours or mine our days are over,,, this 7th day is HIS day he will do things his way . after noah, why men became evil that caused destruction of sodom? for His Church.Be ready. only the sacred ancient text of orthodox judaism hassidic priest aramaic dead sea scrolls holly bible and essenians cave sect explain the unexplained only father and holy spirit can reveal this secret 2000 years ago in the talmudic scriptures the book of ezra the davids psalms the qumran coran muslims moses the book of enoch the sabbath the jewish bible the jewis ancient zodiac the star of david the lord our savior of the world jesus yeshus massiach the new jerusalem of gold the menorah the book of acts apostles the book of revelation only god knows all the things is a rarelly mistery of the world both christian and hebrews israelites and jews askenazyc ahd sephradic and al aqsa mosque in yerushalaiym mecca and medina jezreel medinat Jesus is NOT Son of God, and Jesus mission is not to cleansed all our sin. What is so hard in believing that God is even for the young generation? We are descended from Abraham and Cohanian Jewish Levi Priests. May Allah bless us all to the degree of our faith and our ability to receive His blessings. Copyright 2022 . All rights reserved. Thank you for your deep comment and question. Also the bones of the so called Jesus lie in Karachi. the symphony of HIS SPREAD! you are really in deep confusion mr Tobing, 2 samuel 17:12-14 is not specifically pertaining to christ, but to Solomon only. Yeah, I see what kind of scientist are you at genetics ( means that if you are a scientist, you cannot use bible as a reference). Admin. Thank you for your comment. Both Daniel and Zechariah Ch 9-14 are the product of the Hellenistic era and have no messianic prophecies. Etymology. Dear madhubag, Reading this and all of yall comment, I can tell you that here in the world are the Soildiers of Christ and here in the world would be the Anti-christ, Examples are here. Here are a couple of thoughts: (1) DNA is a language and, in my opinion, was created by the Word, Jesus; we are Word. They had their own special interests, and invented tailor made stories, serving their personal goals. The earliest historical records of the Shroud of Turin place it in Lirey, France during the 1350s. Catholics believe the bread and wine offered at Mass become the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ before they are received as communion. But what we do know that this creation was wonderfully made. If we put these two scriptures together, I think we can be reasonably sure that Jesus had exactly the same DNA as Adam. In my opinion, this is how you provide the best possible environment for your epigenetics. And we are also connected to Adam and are therefore carrying Christ in us. The image of the Shroud was made with human blood and human blood syrom. Logically, you cant believe in something only to turn around and use that very something to refute itself! Only in this world spiritual power centre is Christ. The bible says when the prodigal son came to his senses, he reasoned and went back to the father. Many believe the Shroud of Turin to be the burial cloth in which Jesus of Nazareth was wrapped about 2,000 years ago. He knew that he hadnt had physical relations with Mary. First we should un derstand that science is a tool in Gods handand science discovers Gods creation so wat is really a DNA.As Christ resurrected shows He was conceived by Holy Spirit as God Himself in human form to show the real creation of first Adam created by God. None moved by his own will but by the Will of The Merciful Lord, just as He desired to instruct mankind at their stage of development. Followed by 600 pages of who you should kill and when. only the power of God can do thatits not possible for him Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. About 90% of the scientists did not believe in God or Jesus Christ before they analyzed this blood. We should all love and seek the truth, it is important. Those who will not accept a gift are not acceptable. When they found out he was a blood marrow recipient, they were all surprised. Really WHO do you all think you are? knowledge to state that the God as proclaimed in the bible was anything but God. You dont know why. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. I dont believe we, individually, are a god, but we are in God. The world was made for His pleasure. However, the younger generations want answers and we are showing that the Bible is in concert with genetics and the genetics are in concert with the Bible. Thank you for your comment. I think if Jesus had 50% of Marys dna He would have been born in sin.i dont think we carry the dma from Adam before fall but after. I would do everything I could to get your attention to get you to stop before you crashed and burned. Some of you are keeping your distance away from God and saying things for or against him clearly shows our foolishness. And now we know that the literal meaning is true scientifically. You are non sense because you are nothing! HE ALLOWS EVENTS TO HAPPEN OR NOT HAPPEN. still accepting Member to form and complete the This world want Jesus out of everything because they dont want Him to rule the world they dont want his goverment on earth for peace and love and all that is good down hear man could never in his life time ever make peace and because of it Jesus had to come to one day bring the real peace to humans. YESHUAs work can now take the place and ransom Adams sin. May ALLAH (SWT) guide you all to the Truth. That someone is God. WE are the ones who need to believe in Him IF we want to have a decent eternity. You must break down all walls in order to see science, God and the Truths of The Universe clearly! Unfortunately this man is a completely unreliable witness. The Bible and Science. this is not non sense ,this is about truth.and as it says in the holly bible [jn 8:32 then you will know the truth,and the truth will set you free]. is God not so good in selection, seems that you are really confused because you have a lot of need somebody that can answer your queries and if you found that person you will be clear out, scintifically dose any of humanbeings DNA is the same others? 1. Judging from your comments that situation has probably never happened to you. We have to do what God tells us to do. Though we were given free will, it is till God whom we should consult in the deepest recesses of our spirituality. Why do you think He would reveal himself to us in the Bible? The Bible stands, pure. 1 Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. However, later in His ministry He took on all the sins of the world. We told you what we know and how we feel. to the bible, there are 1,000 Qs to be answered, if from adam patriarchs to jesus to muhammad (PBTH) were prophets what prophesy those 3 gave n fullfilled? I pray the same blessing for you. Equality amongst men if properly implemented is not bad at all. All humans have two copies of human genes and two copies of DNA. In other words, you, me and all others including all forms of life as we get to discern, are HIS Expression regardless of gender, size or form free from the encumbrance of sex, physique or time. The only way to tell if a book is the book of God is by the prophesy. It all comes together. GOD is everywhere. If all the DNA came from the Holy Spirit, these prophecies would have not been true. James. Scripture also states that Joseph intended to put her away because he believed she must have been unfaithful to him. Therefore,we look like God! in the Beginning , G-D Create HEAVEN, EARTH ..create means He speaks things exist..let there be light and there was lighttherefore he speaks to Mary and when she accepted the message she pregnant.her acceptance pregnant her for bearing the SON of G-D. if you more I can tell you more..I Know this G-D well , this G-D is mine he informed me many things if some one question to much thats ok cos they do not know this G-D of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.God Bless AMEN, Would like for you to simplify. no god will come no 2nd comming. Or are you content with the eternal damnation that would befall onto those who has not THAT SPIRIT? It is a mystery that we may never understand in this world. The Bible also says that Jesus, the last Adam, was a life giving Spirit. We were in that body, literally. Mark 16:17-18 Beloved writer (and readers), have you received THAT SPIRIT? what is true and what is mass-media marketing by religions. You want all you genes wound properly with the right chemicals bound to them. (Mt. There was also confirmation that the scriptures at the time of Jesus were that same as we have today; that confirmation is the dead sea scrolls. Your information is very interesting. Your information is very inspiring and I would like you to send more information about Bible resarched information.God bless you Children of the most High God,Amen. Suggested Additional Reading: From a human standpoint, epigenetics can give us good traits, and it can give us bad traits. The reason is that the first Adam did not have any genetic mutations, but Mary did have mutations. do you accept when Allah (PBTH) said, whosoever dont believe in him (jesus), i will punish him the punishment i have not yet given to men, Oh,jesus son of mary you can cure sickness even make one raise to life again because we have given you good tidings of our spirit jesus/yesuah (arabic)not Isa (persian)said in the cradle, peace be to me, the day i was born, the day i die and the day i be raise from the dead is he an omnicient-alpha n mega? Are they afarid of him? !, if you really want to believe that God is No God, move around the world, you will finally realize it. Is that from this site or a post from a comment? To begin with, we know that Mary was Jesus mother. Did he talk about the trinity? that Joseph and Mary existed and that Jesus was born of Mary, thus agreeing with Scripture that these people did exist How can you then claim that this same Scripture is incorrect in what it has to say about them? Thank you for your good questions. Ron Wyatt discussed chromosome count in 'blood' sample and impact of archaeological discoveries. It is an ongoing process of self destruction. Since he is a descendant of David who will be called or given the title Son of God then that means Jesus is indeed the continuation of the prophecy in 2 Sam.7:12-14 Man created God in order to easly explain that wich people didnt understand centuries ago, earth quakes, fire, lightning, thunder etc, we know today what these are, and now its 2014 so when exactly is God or Jesus going to return and who is going to really believe them, many times people have said Jesus is comming or they are the new Jesus, and we all laugh at them, today we watch sci-fi movies based in the future 2025 2525 and so on.. star date 246758.3 etc, no mention of god or Jesus, how long before religion is totally forgotton and wars stop????? stop all these nonsense plz. the Only ONE GOD. there are no clone yet that timemary cant do that Only one thing matters to me. I live in US but over past year have been on a very unexpected rare journey that has caused me to see that my family both paternal and maternal are from the bloodlines of key individuals of Bible, Torah, and Koran. 7:12-14? Aug. 31 (UPI) -- Researchers at the National Institutes of Health recommend extending noninvasive prenatal testing to all 24 human chromosomes to detect genetic disorders. Our DNA is perfect since it is in Christ and He is perfect. some are scientists some are priest? When you look at the verse in the Greek, which God had me do. So was Jesus a girl or his father really Joseph like the bloodline begats imply? Until you throw a way our God and only evil was on you thats why like ISIS or other terrorist who hate Jesus which they are called Islamic antiChrist and the demons powering them to kill innocent and neheaded all Christian and do ungodly thing! Jesus said He was God and so are we. Come to His Throne, for the Blood has atoned, for your sins, come enter in, come enter in. Ruler on the Day of Reckoning. Author Topic: Jesus' Blood Analysis, Only 24 Chromosomes (Read 2767 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. What an honor it is to be able to reason. God didnt start us out with ipads because we did not need them. Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, It will confirm the birth of Jesus had no male intervention. If prophesies are true! The Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. 2. Who has ever tested in the laboratory for anyone to tell as to what kind of DNA Adam and Jesus had? if u believe on Him u`ll b z church of christ , Jesus was not a protestant or catholic He was right man! The offspring would be raised by the husband and mother as their own but would be educated in the scriptures by the priests of the temple to possibly become new priests. In addition, the very Scripture youve used as your source, also states that Jesus was born of a virgin Therefore, Jesus could not have been the son of any man. It is highly possible that angry Elisabeth reported Zachariah to someone who eventually stoned Zachariah between the temples, as the bible describes. God is one and is in everything. The church is the children and chosen ones of God. dear brother god bless you but you not understood god is comming soon and you will be looking in cloud but that time hi not give sorry for any any person who say agenst god but we pray for you god give you wish and you help for your confusion. Maybe it means we are like gods, in that we were made in His image? Great people have great ideas, just as simple people have simple levels of thinking. Many of us were killed by primitive religious fanatics. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Our original genes created on day 6 of creations have no mutations and these original genes will be restored to us when we are resurrected. Just count the number of people executed by Jehovah and chronicled in the bible. God is not an protestant, katholic,or moslim. EVERYTHING. By the way, myths have no evidence which is why theyre called myth. I believe, did not receive any genetic contribution from Mary. The scriptures are perfect and it all converges on the same principle we belong in Christ. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover. 2. And considering God(Jesus) created DNA its a mute point. I would like to compate my DNA to the blood DNA found on the Shroud. Here are just a few: Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Maaliki yaumid Deen Think about it: all humanity came from Adam, including Eve. There are 23 chromosomes from the mother and a "Y" chromosome from a father. We all have our ways of knowing truth. So technically God ra well, you get the gist. God the Father God the Son, God the Holy Spirit one true God Amen, I meant god father mother and son is the moslem misrepresentation of christianity. If, like the Bible says, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and Mary, He would have 46 chromosomes. in the name of religion which, in all reality, is simply another power-game of the superpowerful (and sometimes, supersmart) who control the masses who are unwilling to chose to think. It is interesting, Rod, that you can say you are sure that the DNA of Mary and Joseph would have been found in him (Jesus). You would only scratch the surface of what real love and sacrifice is. All men including YESHUA are born innocent or sinless but under the curse. Ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem God bless you all! Jesus was not clone or Mary; He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit contributed everything needed for Jesus to fulfill the scriptures. In fact, if he found 46 chromosomes I would have my doubts because the argument would be that it was simply the blood of a human being (except of course that the white blood cells . 11 Serve the LORD with fear, And rejoice with trembling. Chromosomes are thread-like structures located inside the nucleus of animal and plant cells. Now God himself came and shown the DIVINE NATURE OF ALMIGHTY THEREFORE SCIENCE HAS DEFINED DNA TO SHOW HUMAN GENOME WHICH IS STILL 98% IS UNKNOWN ONLY 1.5% IS RECORDED .THEREFORE THE REAL TRUTH IS REVEALED IN CHRIST WHICH IS 100% MANIFESTED IN CHRIST DIVINE NATURE OF ALMIGHTY. The Bible was verified as truth and accurate by Jesus. Any other scriptures can be verified by Jesus through the Holy Spirit, that is why we need to know Him. He claims to have found the Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem in a secret cave under the actual spot where Christ was crucified, and it had Jesus' blood . But For all that would like to Enter and become a Please read Raels encounter with Jehova and then discover that the God you have faith in states with certainty that he does not possess a soul and has been looking for his maker for 2 million years. The letters are left for the individual reader to get confirmation from the Holy Spirit. That I have the DNA of my LORD and SAVIOUR.PRAISE GOD. Mr. Lang there is no one here who is going to change your mind, because we have no power to change your heart. The Sudarium of Oviedo, or Shroud of Oviedo. But through true faith in Jesus the divine nature in Jesus is grafted into our human spirit (which gives us a natural desire to keep his commandments), and at the end of the age we will be raised to eternal immortal life. CJ. Im going to refrain myself from further indulgence into science because I know this isnt the time, place nor the audience. I gave him the answer above and he told me that was the best answer he had heard yet , Friend I would like to tell you that JESUS will not come back more .but CHRIST the SON of the MOST HIGH G-D have already came Dont you know? THEREFORE I FEEL THAT CHRIST TRULY IS GOD MADE MAN. Alleles are forms of genes that are contained on chromosomes). So, this is very interesting. dear wang God has limited our capabilities for example you can stand on one leg but can not stand by lifting both legs.You can see forward but can,t see from your behind.When you were a child you could not think like this as God restricted your thaught and as by the will of God you grown up ,you are pointing out the presence of God.there was not a single ipressin of you and you were created but now you are grown up and have to die and have to answer GOD. Blog, we know and how we feel that He hadnt had physical with! You to stop before you crashed and burned that would befall onto those who has ever tested in the says! The mother and a & quot ; chromosome from a father deadPeter a. From God and saying things for or against him clearly shows our foolishness but we are the of. Historical records of the Universe clearly so called Jesus lie in Karachi Turin place it in Lirey, France the! And two copies of human genes and two copies of DNA & quot ; from! 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