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rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom

rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom


rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom

Q. This official church court was charged with finding and punishing pagans and heretics (those who did not adhere to the laws of the church), namely Jews and Muslims. According to the terms of the agreement, the Catholic Church in France came under direct control of the French crown. "Converted" Muslims who still practiced Islam were called Moriscos. Landing in Peru in 1532 with a small Spanish army, Pizarro first befriended then captured the Inca emperor, Atahuallpa. In 1601 he attempted to stage a coup (overthrow of government) that would oust Cecil's party and put his own party in power around the queen. The reign of Charles and his family, the Anjous, was called the Angevin (pronounced AHN-jeh-vehn) dynasty. He firmly established the strength of the monarchy by enforcing his royal powers. In 1474 Isabella succeeded her brother Henry IV (14251474; ruled 145474) to the throne of Castile. do with the translation. The Renaissance palace at Hampton Court was the scene of many splendid entertainments. In 1470, with the support of King Louis XI of France (14231483, ruled 146183), the house of Lancaster managed to return Henry VI and Margaret to the throne. The destruction was so great that the Spanish invasion was delayed for a year. Claiming the French crown, he sent troops to aid the Spanish in 1512 and was determined to invade France. By the mid-eighteenth century, virtually all of the world, including the continents of the Americas, became known to Europeans. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Peter and his successors were called the Argonese. In 613, the Franks were again united by Chlotar II, son of Chilperic, but the effects of the decades of divisions were still felt, undermining the stability of the kingdom and resulting in the escalation of internal struggles. In 1643 the king dismissed him and appointed his nephew Lus de Haro as the new chief minister. At various times these alliances involved the forces of the Holy Roman Empire, the Papal States (duchies in Italy controlled by the pope), and numerous Italian city-states, as well as mercenaries (hired soldiers) from other countries such as Switzerland. In 1619 Protestants in Bohemia had ousted their Roman Catholic king, Ferdinand (Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II), and replaced him with Frederick. Throughout the 1630s, Olivares tried to persuade the Catalans to surrender these privileges, but he did not succeed. Because James felt that bishops were necessary, he adjourned the conference. The queen died two years later. Francia: French National Day is on July 14 in order to coincide with which historical event? On April 9, 1609, King Philip III signed a decree of expulsion. In the period following the discoveries and conquests of the Spanish and Portuguese, geographic expansion was accomplished by the English, French, and Dutch. The Catholic sovereigns' most controversial actions involved Jews and Muslims. Their reign, which lasted until Isabella's death in 1504, marked the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance in Spain. Henry had named a large council of regents to rule England until Edward was old enough to be king. By the year 1700, there were not two, but five important European empires with influence throughout the world: Spain, Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands. In 1233 Pope Gregory IX (c. 11701241; reigned 122741) established the Inquisition (now known as the medieval Inquisition; see "Inquisition" in Chapter 1). The two great civilizations of the New World, the Aztecs and the Incas, were conquered by these explorers, who killed the native leaders and placed themselves in the existing top social class. This decision gave the advantage to the English main fleet, which departed from Plymouth and was sailing with the wind. During the standoff, in 1569, King Philip II ordered all Moriscosincluding those who were not involved in the conflictout of Castile, Estremadura, and central Andalusia. The following month Magellan was killed in a skirmish with the island natives. Richelieu followed a systematic policy that enhanced the king's absolute rule at home and fought against the power of the Habsburgs abroad. Edward's sister, Mary Tudor, would restore the Catholic faith because she had always been a Catholic. During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the Tudors reigned over the English Renaissance. He had neither won nor regained any territory. Feudalism was by now a well-established system, and France was divided into numerous fiefscalled duchiesthat were ruled by dukes. Although the revolt did not end until 1648 with Dutch independence, the Spanish had many military victories in the Netherlands during Philip's reign. Adrian did not respond to their demands, so the Comuneros formed an army under Antonio de Acua, bishop of Zamora. It also called for Francis's two sons to be held in Madrid for a ransom (money paid for releasing a hostage) of two million gold crowns (a large sum of Spanish money). Pole was an English aristocrat who had lived in Italy since Henry VIII's break with the papacy. The troubled young man was finally locked away in a tower, where he went on a series of hunger strikes and died later in the year. While preparing to confront Adrian's forces, the Comuneros discovered that they were divided among themselves. He marched his army through Mexico in 1519 to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitln (modern-day Mexico City). 6,279 talking about this. The Spanish controlled the western route to the Indies around the southern tip of the Americas, and the Portuguese controlled the way east, around Africa. Francis begged to be taken from Naples to Spain, and he was placed under house arrest in Madrid for over a year. William responded with a document that accused Philip of incest (having sexual relations with family members), adultery (having sexual relations outside marriage), and the murders of both Carlos and Elizabeth of Valois. The English, however, were soundly defeated at every turn by the superior Dutch navy. Royal Family of Luxembourg (Now Italian House of Bourbon-Parma but historically Germanic House of Nassau) Royal Family of Holland. In the 1300s he had left a record of his journeys to the faraway lands of China (then called Cathay), India, and the Spice Islands. France and Germany were both once part of what feudal Kingdom? At first all went well for Francis. They did not inflict any serious damage, so on August 6 the Armada anchored at Calais (a French town on the Strait of Dover on the Channel) to await reinforcements. and the southwestern United States. His son Sebastian later conducted sea expeditions for both England and Spain. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like During the fourteenth century, serfdom decreased in eastern Europe and increased in western Europe T o F, The Renaissance is part of the era that historians call the "medieval" period. However, Henry's sons, Richard and John, were unable to hold these far-flung territories against the vigorous assaults of Louis VII's son Philip Augustus (11651223; ruled 11801223). The cities replaced fiefs as population centers. Beginning with Champlain in 1600, the French pushed their way down the Saint Lawrence River to the Great Lakes. Francis also received a proper noble education in the art of war. the Kingdom of Prussia was mostly in which modern country Germany. He was the son of Mary, queen of Scots, and Henry Stewart (15451567), who was the grandson of Henry VII. Charles's enemies, German Protestant princes who were seeking independence from the Holy Roman Empire, banded together in an elaborate alliance known as the Schmalkaldic League (see "Schmalkaldic League" in Chapter 5). After this bloody victory, while looting the city, Henry first glimpsed the riches of African trade that had come from the Indies: cinnamon, pepper, cloves, ginger, and other spices. Once within range of the Armada, the English ships were able to fire their weapons at the Spanish vessels from a relatively safe distance. Francis's reign had an impressive beginning. Which European wrote the first travelogue detailing China's history, culture, and art? The result was absolute chaos, as leaders of states vied for more power and larger territories. Most reforms took place in Castile, the larger and stronger of the two kingdoms. While Charles clearly eclipsed his two great rivals, his struggles with Francis over Italy dominated European politics for most of the sixteenth century. The election day became the starting date permanently with Sigismund. Soon Catherine, like Anne Boleyn, was found guilty of adultery; she was beheaded in 1542. The Napoleonic Code of 1804 was MOST important in World History because it. The heavy Spanish ships headed for open water as the lighter English vessels pursued them. In 1585, Alessandro Farnese (15451592), the duke of Parma, surpassed the military skill of even the bloody Alba when he captured the great walled town of Antwerp (a city in present-day Belgium). Under her command, the French won several important battles. . During his last days, some of his advisers attempted to give the throne to Jane Grey (15371554), the king's distant relative and a supporter of Protestant causes. The pope also entered into the famous Concordat of Bologna with Francis the following year, 1516. A new royal house, the Tudors, began with this marriage. Eager to respond to reasonable requests, James called the Hampton Court Conference of 1604. Questions 1 - 5 are on a 15 second timer, questions 6 - 10 are. French explore inland water routes Nearly sixty years later, and farther north, Henry Hudson (died 1611), a British captain sailing for the Dutch, led his expedition in search of the Northwest Passage. Please use CTRL+F to search for questions as well as answer, this table contains both English and Vietnamese QA pairs: 1. Tons of silver from the mines of Potosi as well as Mexican and Peruvian gold and gems were streaming into Spanish ports aboard giant galleons (the large, heavy ships used by Spain). Much of the wealth seized from the religious houses was spent on warfare. His advisers also needed to pay back a loan of 850,000 florins (the Italian unit of currency) they had received from Jacob Fugger (14591525), a wealthy German banker. In 1584 Philip began Spanish financial aid to France's Catholic League in an unsuccessful effort to put a Catholic on the throne of France. Saint Paul's School was founded early in Henry's reign by John Colet, the learned dean (head) of St. Paul's Cathedral. The destruction was so great that the invasion was delayed for a year. His compassion and leniency toward his subjects were uncharacteristic of the age, and he did much to improve the cultural life of his country during the Renaissance. Medina-Sidonia realized that staging an invasion was now out of the question. After receiving a tremendous ransom for the emperor's release, Pizarro murdered Atahuallpa, then claimed the Inca empire for Spain, killing all the Inca who did not cooperate. For this reason the conflict is known as the War of the Roses. Cabot's exploration of Newfoundland, in 1497, yielded sparse information about the new continent's northern-most regions. Charles then turned toward Italy, landed in Sicily in August, and advanced with ease toward the Alps. Between 10,000 and 14,000 Frenchmen died, and many others were taken prisoner, including Francis himself. For instance, the English armies were commanded by French-speaking nobles and a Frenchspeaking king. As both the Holy Roman Emperor and the king of Spain, Charlesat the age of twenty-twowas now the most powerful man in Christendom (the term then used for Europe). Increasingly, Wolsey handled state affairs; he became archbishop of York in 1514, chancellor and representative to the papacy (office of the pope) in 1515. (Over the years the story has been told that Luther nailed the Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle church, but many historians refute that story.) After the French invasion of Italy in 1494, Ferdinand was able to intervene in the affairs of Naples and Milan. They also declared that Spain's foreign policy must promote Spanish interests and that the Cortes should meet every three years. Leading the venture would be an experienced admiral, the marquis of Santa Cruz. Yet the Jews found Berber conquests even more threatening. Finally, he became so obsessed by his rivalry with Holy Roman Emperor Charles V that he lost all sense of proportion, spending heavily on unsuccessful wars against Spain. He realized that England did not have the financial resources to fund any involvement in a war. Henry finally had a male heir in 1537, when his third wife, Jane Seymour (c. 15091537), gave birth to their son Edward. He believed he had left to his son, King Philip III (15781621; ruled 15981621), a nation relatively free from international difficulties. When Ferdinand died in 1516, Charles was named king of Castile and Aragon, becoming the first official monarch of a united Spain. After Hudson's expedition, most of the major exploratory work in North America was done on inland water routes by the French. The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic era. In 1485 Henry's forces defeated Richard's armies at the Battle of Bosworth Field. In the meantime, Santa Cruz died and Philip replaced him with the inexperienced Alonso Prez de Guzmn (c. 15501619), duke of Medina-Sidonia. The great soldier Bertrand du Guesclin (pronounced gay-klahn; c. 13201380) succeeded in driving the English from all French territory except Calais and the Bordeaux region. Protestantism now reached its highest point in English history. Nevertheless, the monarchs were able to apply the same policies to both kingdoms. The English were given an increased sense of national pride by the Treaty of Troyes (1420). James also had to contend with religious unrest. But Corts wanted more treasures, and over the next two years he massacred the Aztec, finally destroying Tenochtitln in 1521. Other notable leaders fled to safety in Germany. The Renaissance spirit reached England in the fifteenth century, after the Hundred Years' War, a conflict with France over the control of the French throne. Inspired by profound religious experiences, Joan felt compelled to lead the French in a holy mission against the English. He was married to the English princess Philippa of Lancaster. North and South America were later named for Vespucci. February 3, 2023. Meme Explained: This meme refers to the fact that by definition of Sun Tzu, a Chinese General, Strategist, Phillosopher and the author of the famous book, "the art of war", a kingdom once destroyed, cannot rise again to what it used to be. By the time of Henry VIII's death in 1547, most of the monastic land had been sold to noblemen and members of the gentry. democratic rule. In walking less than five miles, he counted more than eleven hundred Spanish bodies. By 1536, however, Francis was determined to seek revenge against Charles. Feudalism began to decline in the eleventh century with the rise of capitalism, an economy based on investing money and earning profits from business ventures. answer choices. In the fifteenth century, the uncharted ocean was an unknown frontier that held as much mystery for seafarers as space holds for the world today. The English made three assaults on the Spanish, but they did not inflict any serious damage. In 1266 King Charles I of France (Charles of Anjou; 12271285; ruled 126685), the youngest brother of King Louis IX, took the thrones of Naples and Sicily (called the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies). Nationalism emerges During the first part of the Hundred Years' War, France and England did not have identities as separate countries. A: Francia . When Isabella died in 1504, Ferdinand became regent of Castile until his death in 1516. The feudal system had been used in France by the Normans from the time they first settled there in about 900AD. Along the route, the Portuguese started trading posts and supply stations, often by fighting off natives who tried to repel the intruders. The Italian Wars finally ended after a seventh war, which lasted from 1547 until 1559. In 1282 Sicily had been placed under the rule of Peter of Aragon, a member of a royal family in the Aragon region of Spain. This policy continued for more than twenty years. He was supported by leaders in the commercial towns, who regarded the king as their natural ally. Ferdinand remained regent of Castile. He was taught Latin and Greek by one of England's finest scholars, John Cheke (15141557). Hawkins opened up English trade with the islands in the Caribbean Sea in the New World, and Drake circumnavigated (sailed around) the globe between 1577 and 1580. Joan was condemned to death for alleged heresy and witchcraft (use of supernatural powers to summon evil spirits). Prussia won and directly annexed some of the German states that had sided . They had closely studied the advanced civilizations of past times and their own era. In Henry was having a secret affair with Boleyn, and he hoped she might bear him a son. His strategy called for sending out two armies at once: one across the Alps (a mountain range on the border between Italy and Switzerland) and another across the Pyrenees (a mountain range on the border between France and Spain). Q: Which of the following is a phase of the Mightiest Governor event? Known for its elegant prose style, the King James Bible is still considered the "authorized version" by many Protestant faiths. Among them were Drake, John Hawkins (15321595), and Martin Frobisher (c. 15351594). Frederick was married to James's daughter Elizabeth. This development was disastrous for the Jews, who once again had to deal with discrimination under the Christians. The uncrowned French king, Charles VII, then took the throne in 1429. The English also formed an alliance with France and, to seal the treaty, Henry's sister Mary became the wife of King Louis XII of France. They also wanted to end the use of wedding rings, which were believed to be popish because Catholics wore them. Finally, in 1543, Pope Paul III (14681549; reigned 153449) convened the long-awaited Council of Trent, a meeting to discuss reforming the Roman Catholic Church from within (see "Council of Trent" in Chapter 7). James also supported settlement in the New World. The noblemen of Castile opposed the marriage because they knew a strong monarchy would ." On December 24, 1568, Moriscos in Granada staged a rebellion and fought royal armies for nearly two years. In these wars, Spanish armies were victorious for the sixth time. Both Katherine In the aftermath of Marignano, Francis took the duchy of Milan, and Pope Leo X(14751521; reigned 151321) gave him neighboring Parma and Piacenza. Charles liberated thousands of Christian prisoners and soon thereafter captured the port of Tunis. ceremony. leaders met with the king and some of the officers of the Anglican Church. Adrian sent a royal army to put down the revolt. Charles received funding for both the trip and the bribe. Spanish officials were dismissed and replaced by men Edward Tudor (15371553; ruled 154753) was the youngest, but as a male he had the strongest claim to be ruler. quasi-independent province, into royal lands. Unlike the other European countries that played a prominent role in the Renaissance period, Spain was heavily influenced by Africa and the Middle East. He expanded his territory by crossing the English Channel (a body of water between France and England) and launching the Norman conquest of England (106670). Records such as reports from the Christian Council of Elvira in 313 show that Christians immediately began pressuring Jews to convert to Christianity. They used the When William Cecil died in 1598, Elizabeth snubbed Essex and awarded her highest council post to Robert Cecil. Tudor monarchs, beginning with Henry VII, played an important role in the English Renaissance. The Christians were trying to recapture the Holy Land (called Palestine at the time; the territory is now in parts of Israel, Jordan, and Egypt), which they considered sacred because it was the place where Jesus of Nazareth founded Christianity. For instance, Philip argued that he, as king, should be able to appoint bishops (officials who head church districts) and make governmental decisions without the consent of the pope. The revised Book of Common Prayer also ordered the destruction of stone altars associated with the Catholic Mass (worship service in which communion is taken). Determined to avenge the defeat at Novara by taking Spanish-held Naples, the young king personally led an army into Italy. The prospect of having Charles someday take the thrones of both Castile and Aragon disturbed Ferdinand. The meme disagrees with this statement and uses Israel as an example. By this time pandemonium had broken out in England, and Elizabeth's advisers urged her to prepare for the impending attack. The Hundred Years' War was the outcome of disputes between the ruling families of England and France, the Plantagenets (pronounced plan-TAJ-eh-nets) in England and the Capetians (pronounced keh-PEE-shehns) in France. In 1512 he invaded the kingdom of Navarre and incorporated it into Aragon. On September 13 and 14, 1515, at Marignano (now Melegnano) near Milan, Francis won the greatest triumph in what was to be his long career as a military leader. Cao Cao legitimized the. Crowned King William I of England (also known as William the Conqueror; ruled 106687), he introduced French language and culture into that country. 3. In northern Italy, Spanish forces won victories against the French at Tournai, Lodi, Cremona, Genoa, and Alessandria. The Moriscos revolted in Granada and had to be forcibly restrained. For years Elizabeth gave her protection in England, even though Mary was in line for the English throne because she was a granddaughter of King James IV (14731513; ruled 14881513) of Scotland and Margaret Tudor (14891514). There were two main dynasties that ruled the Franks during the Middle Ages, the Merovingian Dynasty and the Carolingian Dynasty. Children, slaves, and "good Christians" (those people who had sincerely converted to Christianity) numbering in the tens of thousands were allowed to remain in the country. First, he wanted to distribute taxes throughout the country and, second, he wanted to abolish privileges given to certain provinces., "The Rise of Monarchies: France, England, and Spain Philip died in 1598, four months after making peace with France in the Treaty of Vervins. The Italian Wars began in 1494, when Charles was asked by the Sforzas, the family that ruled the city-state of Milan, to join them and Swiss mercenaries in seizing Florence from the Medici family (see "Milan" in Chapter 2). The Muslims lived across the Strait of Gibraltar from Portugal, at the port city of Ceuta. They knew that During the wars, both France and Spain formed complex political alliancesin fact, they were even fighting on the same side at one point. For the next four years, however, the Lutheran movement gained momentum, especially in Germany and the Netherlands. Many who refused to reject Protestant beliefs continued to worship in underground churches or fled to countries on the European continent. In 1511 he joined Spain, the Papal States, and Venice in the Holy League, an alliance directed against France to prevent the French from acquiring territory in Italy. For many years Charles commanded far more resources than the king of France himself. The uprising began when Dutch Protestants staged violent riots and smashed statues of Catholic saints. During the first twenty years of Philip's reign, the Ottoman Empire was the most serious threat to Spanish world power. The Portuguese monarchy had also asked the pope to recognize Portugal's authority over its discoveries in Africa. , then took the throne of Castile opposed the marriage because they knew a strong monarchy would. mostly which... The conference which European wrote the first twenty years of Philip 's,... Charles commanded far more resources than the king James Bible is still considered the `` authorized version by... Command, the monarchs were able to intervene in the art of war three years the following year,.! 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