nextcloud change data directory
Nextcloud standard webroot: /var/www/html/nextcloud/ Can someone assist? As I understand it, if using Apache, putting Nextcloud in the web root filer is fine. In Nextcloud root folder call php occ db:convert-type [options] type username hostname database The Options --port="3306" the database port (optional) --password="mysql_user_password" password for the new database. It could be that nextcloud.conf is also there, then run a2disconf nextcloud.conf. FreeNAS is now TrueNAS. I need to change thatso all 3 have the same path, but I would like to avoid re-starting the whole sync process from zero. -rw-rr-- 1 www-data www-data 15752 Mar 11 10:52 AUTHORS After that save it: CTRL+O and exit using CTRL+X. Leave By default all users have access. HowTo: Change / Move data directory after installation howto Therefore it creates the tables oc_storages for the data directory and oc_filecache for the files. Then go to settings. thank you, Last edited by chittu (2016-11-05 05:31:29), In /usr/share/webapps/nextcloud/config/config.php, 'datadirectory' => '