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samoan funeral speech

samoan funeral speech


samoan funeral speech

This includes deciding who will be saying a funeral speech at the funeral service. Samoan speechmaking across social events: One genre in and out of a fono*l ALESSANDRO DURANTI Istituto di Glottologia, Universita di Roma ABSTRACT This paper addresses the relevance of a functional approach to the study of speech genres. My sister Janet never met a challenge she didnt conquer. are not protected by an attorney-client privilege and are instead governed by our Privacy Policy. Hi HGG and everyone else that will come to read this,It never ceases to amaze me what one can unearth on the internet given; a) a substantial amount of free time on their hands and b) being stubborn (tenacious) enough to filter through every webpage search for the word alagaupu. Guests give the grieving family monetary gifts or hand-woven mats in a ceremonial exchange of gifts called faalavelave. This refers to things like monetary gifts and woven mats. Because we dont use alagaupu much in everyday Samoan, I couldnt just ask anyone to explain them to me. you mean I may not be truthful?..hahaha.. Please feel free to email me at with your corrections and I would be happy to update the post where needed! Literally: Savea has a leg on either side of the day. which is especially true when that something that happens requires a monetary donation. John was my high school English teacher, so you might wonder why I refer to him as John and not as Mr. Robinson; it was at his insistence, as soon as I graduated. The term for a mausoleum is loa, which comes from the word va'aloa, . ImTranslator offers an instant text-to-speech translation from Samoan to English language in a natural sounding voice. And even with the little me time she had, she never used it for herself. The overwhelming religion in Samoa is Christianity. Coming from anyone else, his concern might be considered disrespectful or embarrassing, but this is Sameli. This link will open in a new window. Samoans have very clear views of death and dying, but these arent always similar to other traditions around the world. When I caught her, she had rainbow-colored eyelids, forehead and cheeks. This alagaupu expresses that things happen for a reason that everything has (or should have) a purpose. My great grandmother like your grangfather wrote down some alaga upus and Im fortunate that she wrote meanings. In 2006 there were 95,428 Samoan speakers in New Zealand, and 38,525 Samoan speakers in Australia. Are you getting a matai title since you are going to withhold some of your deep wisdom from the ordinary Samoan? The independent state of Samoa goes as far as having the Christian cross on its flag. All Rights Reserved, What to Say to Someone Who has Lost a Pet, Traditional wraps, white shirt & tie for men / Muumuu for women, Open for visitation, closed for the funeral. Typically a Samoan funeral can take up to 2 weeks. Loss is hard. My Samoan neighbours have appeared to be celebrating for 3 days now, is this a mourning process do you think? In the first of a series of first-person accounts from the Glasgow summit, she describes what it felt . And Im sure there were times he wished I wasnt his sister. Any information you provide to Cake, and all communications between you and Cake, The encouraging news is that more of the younger age-groups born here are able to speak Samoan - 40 per cent of those aged between 5-9 years of age, and 52 per cent of those between 25-29 years of age. If she didnt understand something, shed work at it until she did. You are not Sameli, unless you are worry that the server might give you a smaller portion than what others are getting..or run out before your turn..hahaha. Especially when the moon is so bright it could be daytime. Your aim is not to deliver a stand-up comedy routine, but rather, a poignant and potentially somewhat humorous view of who the deceased was and what they meant to you. We'll help you get your affairs in order and make sure nothing is left out. My mother raised me that mourning Lasts a year. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. The death and funeral announcements initiate the biggest Samoan ritual connected to a death: the faalavelave,or ceremonial exchange of finely woven mats, monetary gifts and food between the families of the person who died and the families of those paying their respects. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me. Burials are the most traditional choice, though Samoans today are free to choose both burial and cremation. The Moomooga Samoan funeral song may be performed to say goodbye to loved ones. Turner's observations describe Frazer, James. Alagaupu is the Samoan word for proverbs wise sayings or expressions about life. While its hard to believe, nobody really dies in Samoa. In Faa Samoa, the dead are never treated as though theyre gone. People continue to converse with the deceased and treat them as though theyre still there. Ive read and am in total awe of your Grandfathers eloquence.Thank you so much for sharing your Grandfathers wisdom.Love and Blessings. Eulogies typically are from 5 - 15 minutes. Thank you so much for the extensive info. Coconut oil is made from copra, which we get from drying coconut meat (in their shells) out in the sun. Will keep in touch..but thanks again to the initiator.. God bless your soul my dear.. You are welcome you are blessed to have the help of your father. Close your funeral speech with a statement about the impact the person had on you and how much you will miss them. I hope you dont mind me mentioning you in that post. While its believed that the spirit lives on with the family, God willed their time on earth to come to an end. And he showed them how to be the resilient adults they have become. I argue that place as heritage/ . Then, as we visit time past, other emotions are felt. Literally: Look out for something for Sameli. The chief and other local leaders begin by performing a ceremony with the family prior to the official service. When she was about ten years old, she got into my makeup drawer and went completely overboard. Hi Irene I dont know what your level of Samoan language understanding is, so just want to give you a heads up JJW has given you some great name ideas, but dont use his last 2 suggestions. Ill be honest, we sometimes went for long periods without talking, which I regret. You should always talk to someone at eye level or lower, particularly elders. Anytime shed open those beautiful big brown eyes of hers, silently reminding me that she was my flesh and blood, I couldnt stay angry with her. Pinterest. Even as a baby, she showed an exceptional amount of determination. E lelei le Atua, ia tatou faafetai ia te Ia ona o Lona alofa.Manuia i le suesuega! I too am learning about how beautiful how culture is and the Matai oratory Language which Ive started taking up with PEC free Faatai bilingual classes and its just absolutely amazing Keep up the great work in sharing and spreading the love for our culture and esp our language so it can be pass down to the next generators lol Malo lava le ogosai. Instagram. Hes just tryna be funny with those 2 zzz Id hate for One Samoana to be responsible for a poor child named Faaogalemafaufau :(. I believe that my father, Rev. Literally: Nothing is more important than your family. Confession this one is not actually in my grandfathers notebook, but its my favourite alagaupu on this list because it has very recent, very local origins. His passion for teaching English was contagious. In fact, I know he would have preferred to spend his weekend resting and relaxing. There are a lot of ways to take a closer look at different cultures across the globe. All Rights Reserved. Ill work on sharing more of them with you in upcoming posts but yes, I may have to save my most favourites for myself and the lauga that I will put together someday lol. Second, this line comes from the English language saying, the spirit is willing but the body is weakbut the wording of it in Samoan (how its phrased here) is a lot more derogatory. We survived high school together. Its like, everybody comes out! Your email address will not be published. In other words, Samoans do not abandon their ancient traditions in light of Christianity but allow them both to be culturally important, especially at the time of death. Mori and Samoan funeral experiences are better understood through their worldviews of Fa'a-Samoa (the Samoan way) and Tikanga Mori (Mori customs, practices and ethics). Saying a funeral speech is not something that should be undertaken unprepared. The ones you find online don't do the song justice. explained comes from the word atutia that in dignified Samoan speech refers to a mountain range. An ie faitaga is what you would wear to a funeral or any other special event. There are a lot of ancient traditions mixed with modern Christian customs. Welp, dont I feel foolish just saw that HGG already commented on E. Shultzs book in her Alagaupu & Muagagana pageoh well, enjoy the book in its totality with the other links. Then, they inform their other family members and friends about the death and funeral details. And what instances in speech would this be used? Knowing how to offer condolences is an important part of Samoan custom. Thats probably what hes doing, too :). And wed just just sit together, laughing, playing music or sports and sometimes, inevitably, couples would pair off into the shadows to get to know each other even better. Its like saying we wish we could stay longer, but alas. Eight Carefully Crafted Emails for Your Last Day at Work. Johns work ethic influenced me greatly. This is an example of an alagaupu that came from an actual event and has retained its meaning even though its origin story may have drifted from memory. What each family chooses depends on their own beliefs, budget, and customs. Required fields are marked *, CALL: (415) 431-3717Hours: 9AM-5PM PST. People give the family ceremonial gifts known as faalavelave. Don't worry about making the person . Alofa aku. Our expert guidance can make your life a little easier during this time. For a matai who is a tulafale, or orator, we say, 'Sus mai lau susuga,' plus the title name. He was a hardworking man who set a great example for my siblings and me. Though they still have a funeral and take part in death rituals, they believe this, Now that you understand the basics of Faa Samoa and the concept that Samoan spirits live on, lets talk about specific funeral traditions. Olo = the noise that pigeons make (coo). There are no strict rules about mourning in Samoa outside of these typical two weeks. But every time we spoke or saw each other though, we picked up where we left off, and it felt like wed never been apart. I had to ask a lot of questions to try and understand the literal meaning of this one, because the word taulia to me means something that has been accepted or approved, so I couldnt understand why ao (clouds) would be described as taulia? This is a cultural context for all activities and traditions in Samoa. These proverbs are taken from the first Samoan dictionary, A grammar and dictionary of the Samoan language, with English and Samoan vocabulary, first published in 1862. Okay, just looking at your alagaupu properly.. First, it should probably read e toa le loto (no second e), which means the heart/will is strong. This alagaupu means something like just looking at you makes my heart happy. A eulogy is about the person who died but it is for the guests at the funeral. Wearing traditional attire is the best way to honor Faa Samoa and pay respects. What our family lacked in money, my mother more than made up for with love. Samoa is an island nation located northeast of Australia and New Zealand. Samoa is a Polynesian country northeast of Fiji. The importance of mats harkens back to when they served as the currency of the Samoan people. O le lauga lea ua 'ave atu i se gagana lata mai. There is no division between the living and the dead, and this is unique to the Samoan people. funeral rituals have been changed, but also reinvigorated, by the territorial redistribution of people in the Samoan diaspora. I apologize for the inaccuracies, we conducted our research with resources that were available to us online. Since Christianity is the most common religion in Samoa, its not uncommon for funerals to include traditional prayers to the dead. Thank you for your (somewhat uncharacteristically) kind words Im not getting a matai title any time soon, but I gotta put at least a few of those alagaupu bullets away just in case. The Samoans, one of the largest Polynesian populations in the world, cherish the importance of storytelling and tradition by appointing a select family member as an orator chief, known as a tulafale. The tulafale holds the major responsibility of spreading the word about the death of and funeral for the leader, the high chief, to all family members. Please share this with everyone and anyone that is interested in this subject. It might not be necessary to do so explicitly if you are a close family or friend. Funeral, Funeral Speech, Speech Questions, Speech Writing This article continues the question and answer series, focussing on words to say for at grandmothers funeral. The casket is open for the viewing, but may be closed for the actual funeral service. Many users would be better served consulting an attorney than using a do-it-yourself online Like when I decided that the patio needed to be refurbished. The way she attacked the obstacles she encountered with such strength and determination was inspirational. This is a pretty well-known alagaupu that expresses how connected we are as a people. Her lips and teeth were full of lipstick, and there was mascara everywhere. You had a special man in your midst, and Im cant imagine the depth of loss you must feel. Death doesnt happen the way that it does in other cultures. At the invitation of the Government of Australia, the Heads of State from Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu travelled with the Honourable Pat Conroy, Minister for International Development and the Pacific on a Royal Australian Air Force flight from Australia to attend the official events for Her Late Majesty's State Funeral . Samoan Death Rituals in a New Zealand Context.. Just before the part, mom pulled me into the bedroom, and we were talking. Samoan climate activist Brianna Fruean, 23, addressed world leaders at the opening of COP26. Flowers and food are acceptable at the funeral and the service usually lasts around an hour and a half to two hours. I wish Id had more time with her, I really do. I had to go to my uncle (the son of this grandfather), a skilled orator himself, who has been using these alagaupu in his own lauga for decades. When you sit down to decide what youre going to say in your eulogy speech, there are a few factors you need to take into consideration. Here in America and in most of Canada, we have funeral traditions that have stood the test of time for decades, even centuries. So, this alagaupu is about being the peacemaker, bringing two opposing sides together out of love for them both. This Samoan expression literally means 'like grass by the roadside'. He was a caring brother whod do anything to protect me. Samoa consists of four inhabited and a number of smaller, uninhabited islands. Personally, I dont find it disrespectful to just ask if they could turn the music down a bit. of an actual attorney. The lives of our children and their achievements gave Stephen an enormous amount of satisfaction. Learn how your comment data is processed. Mori and Samoan funeral experiences are better understood through their worldviews of Fa'a-Samoa (the Samoan way) and Tikanga Mori (Mori customs, practices and ethics). Thank you sharing gets me thinking how we can conversate more with those that are still with us today on passing down family treasure before they pass and then our responsibility to pass onto our future generations especially with about 90% in our family now being afakasi. Agafili Shem Leo, and . Literally: The work (fishing trip) of Smea is not haphazard. People give the family ceremonial gifts known as faalavelave. Though Christianity is the largest religion in Samoa thanks to colonial influence, youll still notice many differences in these practices around death. Why? Nowadays, these mats act mainly as decorations during the funeral and then are stored away. subject to our Terms of Use. While higher than other Pacific languages, this was 4 per cent less than in 2001. Tip:If you're planning avirtual Samoan funeralusing a service likeGatheringUs, you can still partake in the traditions below. We also may earn commission from purchases made through affiliate links. It can refer to anything from longing to see a loved one to celebrating the success of a family or village endeavour. The problem is, after Tongas departure, Tuna and Fata started fighting each other about who should be the new ruler of Samoa. Tongan son in law Sione Pomee (Three Houses Down) pays respects to his Samoan Father In Law Fa'alogo Tuia Masei Tuiatua who passed away 12th April 2013.Alway. Do so explicitly if you 're planning avirtual Samoan funeralusing a service likeGatheringUs, you still. An important part of Samoan custom saying we wish we could stay longer, but may closed! You are a close family or village endeavour samoan funeral speech James dont mind me mentioning you in that post viewing... 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