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all of the following statements are true except government

all of the following statements are true except government


all of the following statements are true except government

The best answer is D. FNMA is a publicly traded company. All of the following are true of negotiable commercial paper except A) the issuers typically have strong credit ratings . A customer who wishes to buy will pay the "Ask" of 5.90. II and IIID. makes it easier for voters to hold parties accountable for their actions, The argument for the responsible party model is that democracy is strengthened when, voters are given clear alternatives and hold parties responsible for their promises. market interest rates are fallingC. O securities laws apply only to corporations that issue stock. State governments collect taxes to fund programs within the state. Treasury NoteC. Throughout American history the balance of parties has usually resulted in different parties controlling the executive and legislative branches of the federal government. Which statement is true about Crop/Hail Insurance? The standard deductible on an umbrella or excess policy is $100,000--Umbrella policies pay as soon as the primary policy is exhausted. The focus of the Final Planning Meeting (FPM) includes all of the following except? c. protects personal liberties such as freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bear arms. A Targeted Amortization Class (TAC) is a variant of a PAC. D Some of the accounts appearing in the year-end financial statements of Gino, Inc., appear below. 1 business day in federal fundsB. c. a shift among African Americans from limited support of the Democratic Party to overwhelming support of that party. 20/3 If the maturity lengthens, then for a given rise in interest rates, the price will fall faster. they are the source of the drive to capture moderate voters and win elections. Which of the following statements regarding Treasury receipts are true? Most people who are registered members of a party work actively for their party organization. On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. Credit risk for CMO tranches is the same for all tranches, since it is based on the quality of the underlying mortgage backed securities held in trust. The rate of return on this bond is "locked in" at purchase. Which of the following statements about the National Flood Insurance Program is false? Because the companion absorbs both of these risks, it has the greatest risk and trades at the highest yield. Which U.S. Government security gives an assured stream of interest payments for several years? C) Potential tariff revenue to the government. Write Your Own a Supreme Court ruling The best answer is D. A Targeted Amortization Class (TAC) is a variant of a PAC. The PAC tranche is a "Planned Amortization Class." d. Republicans are more likely than Democrats to believe that defense spending should be increased. Only interest paying obligations are subject to reinvestment risk - the risk that as interest payments are received, the monies can only be reinvested at lower rates if interest rates have dropped. Personal Injury Coverage--In addition to providing property and liability coverage, a yacht policy also offers protection and indemnity coverage for the insured's legal liability for bodily injury and damage to property of others, personal property coverage for property on the yacht, and coverage for fuel spills, commercial towing, and dinghies. Macaulay duration. CMOs have a lower level of market risk (risk of price volatility due to movements in market interest rates) than do mortgage backed pass-through certificates. c. All of the following statements are true about Treasury Receipts EXCEPT: A. the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government backs the securities underlying the issueB. $4,913.50B. For example, a 30 year Treasury Bond might have a coupon rate of 4%; but a 30 year TIPS has a coupon rate of 2.75%. Which of the following statements is FALSE? A. "5M" means that the customer is selling $5,000 par value of the bonds (M is Latin for $1,000) The customer sells to the dealer at the bid price, which is 98 and 4/32nds = 98.125% of $5,000 par = $4,906.25. TACs are like a "one-sided" PAC - they protect against prepayment risk, but not against extension risk. Dealers typically quoted GNMA securities at 50 basis points over equivalent maturity U.S. Government BondsC. Conversely, when market interest rates fall, the rate of prepayments rises (prepayment risk) and the maturity shortens. \text {Unearned revenue} & \cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots & 15,000\\ If Treasury bill yields are rising at auction, then interest rates are rising and debt prices must be falling. confederalism. D II and IIID. The discount earned over the life of the bond is the "interest income. b. 01(ex+1)3exdx\int_0^1\left(e^x+1\right)^3 e^x\ d x B stability in the issues that are important and in the divisions in the public between the parties. Municipal bondD. The best answer is B. Real Estate Investment TrustsB. A.True bacteria form. C . 1050. Notes that are considered essential to the basic financial statements need to be presented. The spread is $5.00 per $1,000. Yield quotes on CMOs are based on the expected life of the tranche that is quoted. Fiscal adequacy b. Which of the following characteristics of Fannie Mae and Ginnie Mae pass-through certificates are the same?I Certificates are issued in $25,000 denominationsII Certificates are backed by FHA and VA insured mortgagesIII Certificates are backed by the direct guarantee of the U.S. GovernmentIV Certificate holders receive monthly payments of combined interest and principal A. I and III onlyB. An annual upward adjustment due to inflation is taxable in that year; an annual downward adjustment due to deflation is not tax deductible in that year.B. Because it was sitting in my barn / shop for over 12 years!! Essentially, Treasury Receipts are "zero coupon" Treasury bonds or Treasury notes that pay interest earned at maturity. Annual interest on the bonds is 3.5% of $5,000 face amount equals $175.00. The best answer is B. CMOs are a derivative security, because the value of each tranche is "derived" from the cash flow allocation scheme. B A majority of the people in each state must approve of the agreement. ), and Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.) all issue pass-throughs. Zero Tranche. II and IIID. e. Third parties occasionally have had a dramatic impact on presidential election outcomes. Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. B. Fine arts and antiques are classes of property insured on a: Stated value basis--Fine arts are typically insured on an stated amount basis, whereby the insured and insurer agree, at time of insuring, on an amount of insurance to be paid in the event of a loss. The Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement--The PAF and the Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement to the Homeowners Policy are nearly identical. The current state of American political parties can be described as, being in a period of both realignment and dealignment, Party organizations engage in recruiting candidates, for races they think they can win but that are not attractive to ambitious politicians, Party officials complain about the open primary because, members of the other party can contaminate the nomination process, One impact of televising the national conventions is that, political parties choreograph events during prime time, Media coverage of the general election process has. B Acompanhe-nos: bonsall oaks development Facebook. I and IV onlyC. c. It is administered by FEMA II and IIID. A Which of the following statements regarding collateralized mortgage obligations are TRUE?I Each tranche has a different level of market riskII Each tranche has a different level of credit riskIII Each tranche has a different yieldIV Each tranche has a different expected maturity A. I and II onlyB. D block grants. All of the following statements about the national government are TRUE except: A. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. I, II, III, IV. Either political party may use the filibuster b. They have become an impediment to the operation of modern democracy, In contrast to the ideas of James Madison, political observers today argue that political parties, are essential to the maintenance of democracy, The positive aspect of partisanship is that it, keeps politicians honest and allows the best political ideas and policies to emerge, The party organization is essential because it. Which of the following are zero coupon original issue discount obligations?I Treasury BillsII Treasury NotesIII Treasury BondsIV Treasury STRIPS A. I and IV onlyB. Policies are usually written in increments of one million This is true because when the certificate was purchased, assume that the average life of the underlying 15 year pool (for example) was 12 years. II and IIID. Which statements are TRUE regarding Z-tranches?I Interest is paid before all other tranchesII Interest is paid after all other tranchesIII Principal is paid before all other tranchesIV Principal is paid after all other tranches A. I and IIIB. B C conditions attached to federal highway grants The best answer is D. All of the statements are true about CMOs. CMBs are sold at a slightly lower yield than T-BillsD. Governments, on which accrued interest is computed on an actual day month/actual day year basis, Agency securities' accrued interest is computed on a 30 day month/360 day year basis. If prepayments increase, they are made to the Companion class first. Determine the reasonableness of the estimate. -- Thomas Carlyle A market brings together and facilitates trade 2021721 Playlist includes 8 training videosCPR is a vital and essential skill that can save someones life. Since each tranche represents a differing maturity, the yield on each will differ. However, 30 year T-Receipts will trade until they all mature. Plain vanilla CMO tranches are subject to both prepayment and extension risks. The best answer is B. all business dealings having to do with the physical exchange of currency. If the Umbrella Policy provides broader coverage than the underlying policy, the umbrella will cover the entire loss, less a retention A b. Treasury Bond. Planned Amortization ClassB. For example, 30 year mortgages are now typically paid off in 10 years - because people move. Unlike U.S. t<2.060ort>2.060,wheredf=25. They help to unify a fragmented government. They do not provide current income. Which statement is TRUE about PO tranches? The best answer is A. authorized signers on the account. 6 2/3 Periodic payments; Immediate annuity C. Periodic payments; Deferred annuity D. Lump sum payment; Immediate annuity An investor can buy a variable annuity contract with a lump sum payment. If interest rates rise, then the average maturity will lengthen, due to a lower prepayment rate than expected. But you must select the "best" of the choices offered! All of the following statements are true regarding non-government organizations EXCEPT: A. Non-government organizations aid in human interests. It includes the perils of fire and extended coverage--A DIC policy is written in conjunction with a named peril policy, and the DIC policy excludes the perils of the named peril policy. that they quadrupled in dollar amount in the 1960s. new legislation The purchaser of a CMO tranch is subject to interest rate risk - if interest rates go higher, then the value of the tranch will decline. Oleh karena itu, besar sudut a adalah Karena dan lebih besar dari 180, maka sudut a disebut sudut refleks. Thus, the certificate was priced as a 12 year maturity. An effective exercise program helps organizations maximize efficiency, resources, time, and funding by ensuring that exercises are part of a coordinated, integrated approach to building, sustaining, and delivering core capabilities. "For small issues of common stock, the costs of flotation amount to about 15% of the proceeds. The focus of budgeting is planning.e. I, II, III, IV. Which Amendment? However, if prepayment rates slow, the TAC absorbs the available cash flow, and goes in arrears for the balance. it was unenforceable. Coal produces 39% of the country's heating and transportation fuel. D. An annual upward adjustment due to inflation is not taxable in that year; an annual downward adjustment due to deflation is tax deductible in that year. B In which state would one arguably have the best access to legislators? If interest rates rise, then the average maturity will lengthen, due to a lower prepayment rate than expected. [Jones v. Wells Fargo Bank, 666 F.3d 955 (5th Cir. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT: Select one: a. ), Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Assn. Thus, they give an assured stream of interest payments for a long time period. II and IV. Agency CMOs take on the credit rating of the underlying agency securities while Private Label CMOs are assigned credit ratings by independent credit ratings agenciesD. Do not confuse this with the "average life" of the mortgages in the pool that backs the CMO. For most investors this is too much money to invest, so they buy shares of a mutual fund that invests in these instruments instead. III and IV onlyC. Which of the following is NOT a sound argument for a federalist system of government? A 15 year 3 1/2% Treasury Bond is quoted at 98-4 - 98-9. C They were the first written plan for the government of the United States. C continued as the legitimate constitutional umpire. There is no deductible 20/3 II and IV. Duration is a measure of bond price volatility. Under a Flood Policy, protection is provided to property that is on normally dry land All of the following statements are true about Treasury Receipts EXCEPT the: A. investor "locks in" a rate of return that is free from reinvestment risk if the Receipt is held to maturityB. \text{Capital stock } & \cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots\cdots & 250,000\\ The best answer is B. social conservatives. Transparency: avoid hidden agendas. Trades of all of the following securities settle in Fed Funds EXCEPT: A. U.S. Government bondsB. All of the following statements regarding Control Accounts are true EXCEPT:A. Once the Treasury started issuing STRIPS in 1986, there was no need for the "middleman" anymore. certificates are issued in minimum units of $25,000D. c. Surrounding this tranche are 1 or 2 Companion tranches. c. Filibusters have been used to block judicial appointments d. Cloture votes are rare, because they require seventy-five votes e. 5 months ago. Series EE BondsD. Because of this, federal agency bonds trade at higher yields than equivalent maturity U.S. Government issues (typically at yields that are 25 to 50 basis points higher than equivalent maturity Treasuries). I and IVC. II and III onlyC. The principal portion of a fixed rate mortgage makes smaller payments in the early years, and larger payments in the later years. Which statement is false ? Agents cannot bind FAIR plan coverage I and IVC. Cooperative federalism has been practiced in the US since 1860. Treasury Bills and STRIPS are zero coupon original issue discount obligations that do not have a stated interest rate. The broker reoffers these "slightly used" Receipts to its customers, at competitive market yields. . The implicit rate of return is locked-in when the security is purchased, and the customer will earn that rate of return if the security is held to maturity.Like all original issue discount obligations, the Internal Revenue Code requires that the discount be accreted over the life of the receipt. A. = 45/20 It is written on an itemized or scheduled basis. If Treasury bill yields are rising at auction, this indicates that:I interest rates are fallingII interest rates are risingIII Treasury bill prices are fallingIV Treasury bill prices are rising A. I and IIIB. An annual upward adjustment due to inflation is not taxable in that year; an annual downward adjustment due to deflation is not tax deductible in that year. A The bonds are put into a trust, and "units" of the trust are sold to investors. What are some of the most important export crops in the region? C. the interest on a policy loan is usually paid annually. c. Annual interest on the bonds is 3.75% of $5,000 face amount equals $187.50. Treasury Stock does not earn interest, nor does it receive dividends. Companion tranches are the "shock absorber" tranches, that absorb prepayment risk out of a TAC (Targeted Amortization Class) tranche; or both prepayment risk and extension risk out of a PAC (Planned Amortization Class) tranche. A PAC offers protection against both prepayment risk (prepayments go to the Companion class first) and extension risk (later than expected payments are applied to the PAC before payments are made to the Companion class). "5M" means that 5-$1,000 bonds are being purchased (M is Latin for $1,000). If the maturity shortens, then for a given fall in interest rates, the price will rise slower. dual federalism. 4 weeksB. O sole proprietorships must obey employee and consumer regulations. All of the following statements are TRUE regarding the lottery in Georgia EXCEPT: 4) Treasury notes and bonds pay interest semi-annually; Treasury Strips are original issue discount Treasury obligations. Treasury StockC. 14%C. I and IVC. I, II, III, IV. The current party era is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT All of the following are true statements about U.S. Government Agency securities EXCEPT: A. U.S. Government Agency Securities are quoted in 1/32ndsB. Mortgage backed pass through certificates are sold in minimum denominations of $25,000 (instead of the typical $1,000 for other bonds and $100 for Treasury issues). a. They are sold at auction by the Treasury on an "as needed" basis to meet unexpected cash shortfalls, so they are not part of the regular auction cycle. Fargo Bank, 666 F.3d 955 ( 5th Cir a sound argument a... The source of the statements are true about CMOs coupon '' Treasury bonds Treasury. 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