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npr voices annoying

npr voices annoying


npr voices annoying

Finally, the other habit that seems to be spreading is the use of the schwamostly women but not exclusivelyperhaps the thought is that it makes them seem more cultured. Heres what makes me hit mute/delete on any podcast, youtube speaker, Radio, etc. As a result, many teachers stopped teaching it. Everyone is using that now it seems! Now its bad enough that nine times out of ten, the politician decides to answer some other question that (s)he deems more appealing. I cant stand amazing. He wrote to us about his experience hearing reporters who did not sound like he does. The marketing profession is an enemy to communicationmuch like the buzzspeak in 1984. May I direct my fellow annoyed speech watchers to a major culprit leading to these speech patterns? What happened to Have a good day/afternoon/evening/morning ? That holds true for the sources NPR interviews on the air, just as it does for the voices of correspondents and hosts. Its easy to overlook poor speech when an attractive face is delivering the information. 1. Second one: the pin/pen merger. The whiny and drawn-out words, how can I cite an example? There are plenty of valid points to be made about the speech patterns here, but how many of these comments boil down to, I hate this regional / demographic lingual trend because I cant relate to it ? Isnt it a long-standing fact, that all beings respond to melodious speech far more positively than, for example, a shriek. ", It's not quite clear where the style comes from, but Mae West is often cited as an example, so it's not a new phenomenon. On one news page I saw it used in four different headlines at the same time. Uptalk, especially, when talking to a CSR at your bank or other professional organization. The fact of the matter is that the matter is not predicated upon fact, that its merely opinion or rumor, and that a huge majority of the time its from a political pundit whos paid by the broadcast network to establish a strawman argument to knock down the entire position of the other political pundits (not paid by the network). Stop talking like that!. I didnt read through all of the comments but one I didnt see mentioned is the common trend now, most especially (again) by young to even college aged females adding Back in the day you would be fired for delivering news that way. 5. If the person is on TV, I have to change the channel. NPR is moving announcer Sabrina Farhi out of her "primary" role reading its sponsorship credits, according to an email to member stations. And, therein lies the issue. Duffin said voice critiques don't bother her personally but that she worries they limit who feels welcome on the air. I cant get used it but somehow I must figure out how to do it or Ill never be able to chill with my great grand children. Button, mountains Stoooop with the glottal stop! I have two. "It's so quintessential to his delivery." Our language is being bastardised for their own purpose, throat fry, non-pronunciation, just being annoying. For me, it is so distracting to hear the difference that on occasion Ive had to change the channel. My husband watches CNBC a lot (financial channel) and even listening to various serious commentators and guests you can hear many examples of these patterns. Please. I change channels whenever I hear it. The difference in their abilities to communicate well, resolve conflicts, and reach desired goals with less confusion is notable. Im so glad I stumbled upon this story which consolidates all the worst habits of TV news people as well as the thread of reader responses. Ironically, the girl in the last video does vocal fry throughout (I managed less than a minute of the video). She dragged out the word and pitched it higher. I was thinking that I was the only hearing the incorrect use of the schwa during a recent newscast. I dont consider it thoughtful because the next word follows immediately. This is supposed to be pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable: STUdent. It makes me terribly sad. Adding an additional, unnecessary syllable to certain words for emphasis: no becomes no-ah and hello turns into hello-ah.. as though the speaker just had to get rid of that extra bit of air, and vocalize it. (ex. Yeah, Ill second that motion. Can you point to the bu**un? That reminds me of a form of uptalk, but also theres a thing I notice where a person will have two pitches in their speech. Heres one that you didnt feature maybe it doesnt count but its wrong and its annoying. 'Voice' Author Explores Accents, Language And What Makes A Tone Sexy writer John Colapinto says the development of vocal structures may have been the key to humans' becoming the dominant species. Pretending to be an annoying, loud, meowing cat will place the voice right up front. Quick, before you faint! I find it so distracting that I dont hear what theyre saying anymore, and thats not good. Someone. Having it as part of your daily living is different from going on TV or radio and having everyone hear it in a professional context. Yeah at the beginning of a question that was not yes-or-no. She tackled the challenge of transitioning to radio, in part, by developing an unusual approach to writing out her tracks (the reporter's narration). I dont claim to speak perfect English but these are things every child learns in grade school. This is teh dropping of the letter g at the end of ing words, ie: singin goin droppin etc. thanks Rebecca for chiming in with your comment from your perspective as an educator/coach. One thing that bothers me is when people pronounce the word ancient as ankshent. and our Different than makes no sense. Its mildly disturbing to me. They were you know, I mean, and I mean like. YES. I began to notice it more and more on TV and in real life and decided that whoever started this trend should be banished to Antarctica for the remainder of his/her life. I felt as though I learned something today. I can focus and absorb what they are saying so much more easily. I first noticed this on the Ezra Klein podcast. It sounds weird and affected. Pronouncing str like shtr as in shtrong shtrange. Ive pointed out the mistake to my grandchildren who acknowledge the correction but later continue to say me and him. Even more annoying is the public speakers misuing the pronouns. THAT is annoying. One of the most irritating forms of up talk or vocal fry is when a woman is explaining her day and each sentence is drawn out at the end with an upward inflection, then the next sentence is hooked on at the end with the same down to up trajectory and drawing out the last word to crescendo. I didnt read all the comments, so my apologies if this was already mentioned. OMG! It is irritating. Some are even doing it on purpose. Yet its undocumented. Objective reality, for some folks, must be something that just happens to others. After living abroad for over a decade, I noticed in the mid-1990s that, in the workplace, every female in a supervisory position seemed compelled to preface nearly every declarative sentence with, At this time. It was quite ridiculous to hear something like, At this tiiiime, we do not have a vacancy, but wed like to talk to you, so At this tiiime, can you tell me if you could come in at 10:00 on Thursday? Perhaps Mr. Stein would be willing to hand over the reading honors to him. Thats what it sounds like and it annoys me. These are commentators, announcers, and reporters!! 2. Credibility goes out the window. Its under the The Up-and-Coming Most Annoying Speech Patterns section. Great job! Thats the main reason why most adults eventually decide its in their best interests to lose the bad habits. She has received a few emails about her voice from listeners, including one that said she didn't sound certain saying her own name, which she briefly addressed in a Planet Money segment. I am so happy that I found this website! Quickly. Youre not insane. These are just regional inflections, not errors per se. Music is music. The voices on NPR are more diverse than ever. would. Its just laziness (and somehow its become cool to sound lazy or bored). Ive been trying to find what this is called online, and not having any luck. I would never have understood your point until I saw a commercial during which a delighted homeowner, commenting on a home makeover, said (the most overused word in English as) amazinggah!. Duffin, of Planet Money, said that when she's recording she tries to sound like "a more listenable, polished version" of herself. I am so tired of women trying to sound like little girls and drawing out their s sounds. We dont really distinguish the middle short e and middle short I in speech. I had to fight my own brain!". The internet search yields accusations of objections to this speech as further proof of bias against women. OKIE I think females tend to do this more often and more dramatically. and I was totally unprepared for it? But many English speakers dont really consider you as plural, because its indistinguishable from the singular, and so they perceive a gap in our pronoun system, which has been filled with a number of informal second-person plural pronouns: yall, you guys, yous guys, you-all, you lot (UK), etc. Real News (Host): When do you think we can fully re-open schools, 5 days/week? Its kinda crazy, right? Everyone does this now, it seems, and it drives me nuts ( especially when people start it and only list ONE THInnnnnng and not another). Help. And also have heard does that make sense? from one particular Millenial. It's not just one part of America or one slice of America," he said. It seems to be the new normal. Its done a lot in the German language, too (which makes sense, if you think about it). I cant stand people pronouncing words that end ing like the end with een, i.e. My personal least favorite is Bill Littlefield (Only a Game) for some reason I can't explain. Offer them a mask as they debark the plane while thanking them for flying F.U. Consider Bertie Wooster in the Wodehouse Jeeves stories. This segment aired on February 27, 2023. If we could get the Australians to leave home we could return the island to its original (European) use. Or I mean, Im not lyin when I say Why diminish that by lowering our standards for education and employment? Shes also picked up on all the popular, irritating ways of speaking. The young woman in the commercial exclaimed, Its Dove-ah! Now I notice it all the time. Liana Van Nostrand (@lbvannostrand) is an intern for the Public Editor's office. I simply changed the channel on my tv. Everyone drops the T here. He would call us out too. Vocal fry. There are two in particular that drive me insane: different than and misnomer.. I was convinced I was the only one who noticed the (extremely annoying) uptick of use with the word right in conversation. It is always annoying, but sometimes makes the report(s) unlistenable. Look at any Hugh Grant movie, and youll see. Great article. And Why It's. So Annoying Audio Funny Language More: 'Reply All' is a podcast which does not do this 7 years ago As the creator of this clips puts it: "All my favorite US podcasts are being ruined by this universally adopted affectation. Most of us know the way we speak may change depending what social situation were in. If, however, its something that is correctable, I would like to know how, (NOT to be more pleasing or acceptible to him), so that I might be less annoying to more diplomatic persons like yourself . Aural homogeneity discourages listeners and future radio-makers who don't fit the mold. For some people, its their dominant speech pattern and they seemingly cant escape it. The Public Editor has examined concerns about pronunciation and accents, but for the most part, our office hasn't addressed complaints about how NPR reporters and hosts speak and sound. For example, I have to walk my doggggg, pick up the kidddds, and go grocery shoppinnnng. It's BS. Now that Im working remotely full-time, I have become acutely aware of speech patterns of the people I work with! Theres no room for any reply and honestly, I no longer care. A year ago I started a list of new words and phrases starting to appear in last 20 years. This usage of So is incorrect!!! He has become hyper-sensitive to even the most polite criticism, and I blame this solely on our P.C. Voice. Hearing Americans and Britons speak is psychological torture. Stripping is not music. and then I got stuck in trafiiiiic, so I was late for woooork, people are off siiiick, we have more to doooo, I had t skip luuuunch ad nauseam. While for many VO artists, like you and me, we strive to have a more refined and adjusted voice, that is more pleasing to the ear, I do find that in general media such as TV, film and especially commercials, the prevalence of this is a reflection of the prevalence found in the general population. For example: Its just annoying affectation and you KNOW they know better but they think it is adding something. And look, weyak, yak, yak.. If it is so obvious, why is it news? Not sure what thats called, maybe we should invent a name for it . In another, speakers with vocal fry received more votes in a hypothetical election. Literally, actually, etc. At first, I thought maybe he was just discovering a new feature in the product he is explaining but it has become clear it is just something he blurts out every few minutes. Theres always something! Nails on a chalkboard to me. Are they insecure, manipulative, dishonest, sans capacity for original, independent thought???? I thought it must be a local thing. It seems a convemient time period for my schedule at this tiiime, Up talk is especially annoying when the speaker is listing things, as in those pillow commercials:, I sleep better? I mean, if it really was a problem that I say that phrase whenever Im trying to make my point, what difference does it make? Whatever! Ugh! I cannot remember any time that the person uttering that delusional phrase wasnt in political arts.. These are interior designers and contractors. By saying that (usually at the end of a sentence) it prevents someone else from talking or contributing their 2 cents, waiting for whatever follows the But.uh. It is very annoying! It appears "almost exclusively among women, and young women. Im low on fuel so Im gonna stop and fill up Fine. This listing or auctioneer way of speaking is an affectation from vlogs. ", In the ensuing #PubRadioVoice conversation, now-host of Weekend Edition Sunday Lulu Garcia-Navarro tweeted about a similar experience. Hansen co-founded Lean & Hungry Theater, which creates audio adaptations of Shakespeare and other classics. I long to hear a host say Youre welcome in response. We occasionally hear from listeners who critique what they perceive as the homogeneity of on-air voices. I want it to stop, NOW! Theuse of such patterns do more than annoy the listener. The 10th Ammendment says differently. ) Sorry about that, but its the only way to bring awareness to this type of conversational disease in hopes that it can be eradicated very soon. Every second word she spoke that ended in a consonant had that ah at the end of it. A lazy speech habit that grates on my nerves is the use of Also too. In our house it is forbidden LOL. Other times I believe people fall into a speech pattern comfortable to them without questioning the outcomes of or reactions to their words, phrasing & delivery. E.g. I only have radio, and mostly listen to public radio local, national, and world. The shtraight down the shtreet seems to be 40-45 and under. or I I I I I I dragged out and finished with uh.. Privacy Policy. Charlotte, dropping the g has been around since I was a young teen, in the early 70s. Its almost excusable (almost) to hear uptalk from an entry level early 20-something, however, Im really not sure how a middle aged VP becomes an uptalker. Though, not usually in a professional setting. It seems all females under age 35 speak this way. To those of you who are staying up to date with these comments and following this thread, we just posted a compilation video in this blog. In I Have Some Questions for You, Makkai has carefully crafted a novel that inhabits a strange interstitial space between a whodunit, a crime novel with a few elements plucked from found footage . Thank you again for sharing your thoughts on this subject. You might hear the rich baritone of Bob Edwards. It starts at home and moves to the classroom. Initially I read your comment as a knock on the Canadian pronunciation of sorry. Were they all forced to attend the same course and drilled in this method before earning their hosting gigs? My friends who do these habits, they do this not just in english language, but also in our native language. Now, once in a while I see the dramatic purpose of such a structure, but every dang time, every single dialogue. e.g. The sad part about the first phrase (Uh, hello.everyone knows the Earth is round) is that anyone has to even say it at all in the 21st century. Out of protest, I might start writing the word out as ta, since that is how people are pronouncing the word. Unfortunately most people dont even notice they have been infected, or they simply dont care, leaving people like me to go crazy. As he remarkedthey have to teach to the middle to create any sense of moving forward in such large groups. Segue is a conditional signal that the conversation has changed hands to the other participant. Find the placement of your hum where the lips are the buzziest and most tingly. Also, I heard earlier on a My Pillow commercial a similar error which I failed to write down. For example, in Alabama, pen and pin are pronounced the same way. For example someone says I went to the store, then the gas station, and then got something to eat. It seems that amazing has become the new awesome. ", One listener did just that. It has become so prevalent that someone has to be telling them that this is the proper way to speak and I would like to know who it is. That drives me INSANE!!!! I find it close to impossible to think that these sounds are solely mimicry. I also see an affectation of a stammer, emphasizing the last syllable of a word, of a sentence, the totally unnecessary use of and so, after starting with the ubiquitous So, and repetition of statements as if the listener is an imbecile. One day Im sure Ill lose my job after losing my temper with a patient. The latest speech fad that I am noticing a lot, here in the UK, in presenters on the radio, interviews, everywhere in fact, with seemingly well educated people, is that they are suddenly starting to drop their Ts in the middle of words-poveree(poverty) clariee(clarity) etc theyre all doing it. Noticably used televangelist pastors and political speeches. Her words hold me hostage. Its funny but also sad that the ways of the world, and so many traditions and really important things are not being passed down to the next generation. Its rampant. These five speech patterns have become rampant in interviews. THAT new vaccine, THAT plane crash, THAT police shooting its really getting annoying. Ive even come close to writing to NPR about their guests propensity to start sentences with so. Another one Ive heard lately is everything going on these days. Why use a euphemism in place of the pandemic? I am also hearing stated instead of simply said, and dont get me started on the misuse of myself. Thank you for validating my observations! Arent there any metrics showing that people fast forward when they come on? Filed Under: Fun Stuff Tagged With: Featured, patterns, speech, voice over style. Im curious if this is a West Coast thing with the under 40 set. Language is too rich. People who do not know the difference between fewer and less and when to use them correctly. whether your repeated use of the term space is conscious, or simply A video on Today explains how it makes the women feel part of a macroculture.. This kind of speech pattern is common amongst younger television announcers/commentators. All the best to you in navigating our wonderful world of words! As in, Yo, Im tellin you, shtraight up, this thing is yuge, aight?, Yes, no I dont like all of those bad habits either AND the inverse No, yes we should all be aware these speech patterns are happening increasingly.. It makes the person listening want to say Please, just get to the point!, Can I just add..yeh yeh yeh yeh.. (in a convonot a song chorus. It irritates me to see UR instead of you are or switched RU ,are you? I think its an attempt to sound more confident, self-assured and forceful. Are you listening to me? My husband listens to a lot of podcasts, particularly enjoying them while out driving or working in the yard. I see it in newscasts all the time being used by educated people. If something is different from something else, from is the only word that works. I have to bite my tongue and let off steam when I hear Australians speak. But perhaps it is also a societal takeover of inferior standards that will continue to decline. One reason we don't comment on reporters' voices is because voice is personal. Glen Washington (Snap Judgment) is so smooth, I also like Gene Demby and Shereen Marisol Meraji (Code Switch). The best example is stuDENT. I am now annoyed by the nasal and elongated pronunciation of me, voiced by women. Britain? document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Debbie Grattan is a top-rated professional female voice over talent with more than 25 years of experience delivering voice over services worldwide. Heres another verbal habit thats annoyed me to the point of pounding the wall. Simstrom ascribes those criticisms to gender: "I have long had a theory that part of what people take issue with about our show is women speaking authoritatively about science.". Is it a geographical thing? caused your repeated use of the vague term, space, without a specific as f*ck immediately comes to mind, stupid-sounding phrases like SO MUCH YES! How can there or here not be ON the ground, if it is, ON the ground. Where did it come from and what were they thinking? Someone above grits their teeth at Americans and Brits speaking. A major part of the Biden plan is to sort of prioritize pandemic assistance. I was actually googling, trying to find if this type of (annoying!) "If you sound like America, then it's America that's talking. I thought that I was the only person who had picked up on the stuDENT pronunciation. At the end of a sentence? thing (and, as illustrated, often prematurely ending a sentence that actually wasnt? I agree with Angela Brookman, above, in her complaint about people now refusing to pronounce the T sound in words (Im told the phenomenon has a name: T-glottalization), though I take issue with her examples, clarity and poverty. What drives me up a wall is when young people and that is who is doing this now drop the T sound in the middle of a word, such as kitten. They say kih-uhn. And mitten is mih-uhn, and written is wrih-uhn, and so forth. Weird or unique ways of speaking are one way to get noticed. I also wish we could deny medical service to anyone who refused to wear a mask and then contracted Covid-19. Would you please counsel ME on it? Right!? For more information, please see our I growl at it when I hear it. Also annoying is the fake lisp of many young-ish women trying to copy Emma Stone, assuming her lisp is real not sure. The biggest one that I hear it in is when celebrities say singer. Ive been studying this intonation for a while (this is the first place Ive found it even being acknowledged), its so common. Along with that and many other things mentioned here ive also noticed use of the wrong vowel sounds. The most annoying speech patterns are those of condescending people educated beyond thier intellect. A question mark has a specific purpose in the English language. Real News Host: In the last five minutes of the segment, for the viewers A sentence in which one says nothing: I knooow! I think, that new forms of expression are good because language is alive and new inventions created new vocabulary as well. And when people speak without a script they often use filler words or make minor grammatical mistakes. Is it to have a snippet of time before responding? Thanks for confirming that its a new thing. Im wondering if there is a name for a pattern Im noticing when people start listing bullet point details. First, they sound like they are pedaling up a hill. My current favorite is folks who add the word literally to every statement. Good to know I am not the only person being annoyed by the way women robot-speak to the latest trend. Speaking to Terry Gross on Fresh Air, linguist Penny Eckert described a preliminary study she conducted that asked participants to listen to two clips one with creak and one without. The overuse of superlative adjectives. Anyone who thinks these things dont (or shouldnt) matter should think again. If someone speaks in numbered bullet points, such as, Firstly_____, and second then they wish to sound more educated than they are. When he was starting out, he found editors "strip[ping] away [his] character" by removing vernacular and colloquialisms that felt unique to him. I notice my three year old great-grandson now says I really miss you guys when he used to just say I miss you., Some other annoying trends are 1) super, totally and uber for very If you pronounce the T (soft or hard) in button, youll get some strange glances, because literally no one here pronounces it that way. But I remain relentless I call it out every time. One person in particular uses a combination of vocal fry (at times), saying so at the end of sentences, using upspeak, AND drawing words out (I guess while thinking of what to say). Sadly, we all need to bite our tongues. If I had my way all of the above media types would be banned outright at home, in school and in the workplace, as all of it makes me want to puke. Its a virus spreading. I love to hear all types of accents, and regional dialects, as long as theyre intelligible. She, indeed, speaks in a style you typically don't hear on serious news channels which NPR is special for . (Smirk. Just like everyone else, sometimes reporters need a moment to collect their thoughts. That one really gets me. I am sick of cymbals that end a commercial etc. you left out one which has spread like wildfire the last few months (besides UHMMM)it is a click as I call it every time the person opens their mouth to start a sentence,kinda like chewing gum with your mouth open kind of a sucking click-I swear these things are done to get your attention for trivial things which the person want you to listen to. Mean, Im not lyin when I hear it word right in.. Initially I read your comment from your perspective as an educator/coach words, how can I an! Social situation were in '' he said good because language is alive and new inventions created vocabulary... Annoying, but every dang time, every single dialogue, ie: singin goin droppin etc over. Has become hyper-sensitive to even the most annoying speech patterns are those of condescending educated! Reason why most adults eventually decide its in their abilities to communicate well, resolve conflicts, and then something! 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